
A couple of things to think about before buying all-terrain vehicles

Melbourne ATV Dealers

When it comes time to look at all of the different Polaris for sale options from the best Melbourne ATV dealers in the area, you’re going to have a bunch of different choices to pick from.

You’re going to come across inexpensive “starter” ATVs, incredibly expensive utility and sport tuned ATVs, and everything in between. The only chance you have to find the right all-terrain vehicles for your specific needs is to know exactly what you’re getting into from the very start.

Hopefully you’ll be able to hit the ground running and find the right Polaris for sale after you’ve read the inside information we have for you below.

Melbourne ATV Dealers


The difference between utility quads and sport quads:

There is a world of difference between utility quads and sport quads, even though these all-terrain vehicles look shockingly similar to one another on the surface.

Utility quads usually have a much stiffer suspension, skid plates that cover the entire bottom of the vehicle, large racks and storage options, and a tow hitch that makes them a dream for hauling things around.

Sport quads come on the other hand, are definitely lean and mean machines that have been designed for one thing and one thing only – blowing through any terrain you can imagine at top speed. They usually have softer suspensions that are longer traveling, they have engines that have been tuned for power and performance, and the plastics on these all-terrain vehicles are much smaller.

Choosing between a manual or automatic gearbox:

Thing that you’re going to want to do when looking at the different choices from Melbourne ATV dealers is determine whether or not you want all-terrain vehicles with a manual or automatic gearbox.

Automatic gearbox options are definitely easier to “hop on and ride”, but those with manual gearboxes are going to give you more control over how the vehicle operates, especially in unfriendly terrain. You’ll have to determine exactly how you hope to use this all-terrain vehicle before you know which Polaris for sale to pull the trigger on.

The value of four-wheel-drive on all-terrain vehicles:

Finally, you’re going to want to determine whether or not it’s worthwhile to invest in all-terrain vehicles that have 4 x 4 capabilities built right in.
Believe it or not, there are quite a few Melbourne ATV dealers out there that sell ATVs that do not come with four-wheel-drive – mostly because those ATVs have been engineered to do all right without it. If you intend to get off the road and into some sticky situations, though, you’re definitely going to want to spring for this kind of upgrade.

Checkout latest range of ATV, QUADS, GEM Vehicles by Polaris, best price and great service.